3 Dreadfully Common Mistakes that Age You Faster

PLUS: 1 Unique Trick to Unleash a Flood of Age-Reversing Hormones in Your Body

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i  The Fountain of Youth Breakthrough, Dr. Al Sears, loc. 301
ii  Body by Science, Dr. Doug McGuff, 4292
iii  Younger Next Year, Dr. Henry Lodge, loc. 1554
iv  The Fountain of Youth Breakthrough, Dr. Al Sears, loc. 298
v  The New Scientist, "Exercise may be the best anti-ageing pill", Clare Wilson. http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22429905.300-exercise-may-be-the-best-antiageing-pill.html#.VMkXD2R4rc4
vi  Everyday Health, "The Best Anti-Aging Medicine is Exercise", Dr. Sanjay Gupta. http://www.everydayhealth.com/news/best-anti-aging-medicine-exercise/
vii  Washington Post, "Exercise Could Slow Aging", R. Stein.
viii  Body by Science, Dr. Doug McGuff, 4290
ix  New York Times, "Phys Ed: How Exercising Keeps Your Cells Young", Gretchen Reynolds, 1/27/2010